아이리움 의료진 : 강성용 원장
World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Scienes, FELLOW
국제 굴절 교정 시과학대학 전임의
David Sung Yong Kang, M.D
2024 미국백내장굴절수술학회 BEST PAPER (최우수연구)
로우에너지 스마일의 고위수차 감소(VisuMax800/500)
프레즈비맥스PresbyMAX 노안라식 SCI논문
JCRS. 2022 Aug, 근시와 노안 교정하는 혼합 시력접근법
2023 ESCRS Vienna, 2024 Dubai 학회 초청
로우에너지 스마일 챕터 공동집필
The Surgeon’s Guide to SMILE
스마일라식 서전들의 수술 지침서
Chapter 4, 7 Coauthor

의료진 연구 연혁

강성용원장 진료시간표
강성용원장 진료시간표

수술, 진료 현황에 따라 또는, 공휴일 전후 진료 스케줄이 변경될 수 있습니다. 변경되는 경우 최소 1일 전 연락드립니다.
※ 진료시간표는 매월 업데이트 됩니다.

  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님
  • 강성용 원장님

시력교정술 10만 안의 경험과 실력으로
아이리움안과 전 세계 20개국(34개 도시) 초청

국내외 학회 초청 161

SCI 논문 62

학술지 논문 73

연구연혁 타임라인
  • 아이리움안과 대표원장
  • 연세대학교 의과대학 졸업
  • 연세대학교 대학원 졸업
  • 연세대학교 세브란스병원 안과 전문의
  • 연세대학교 세브란스병원 안과 임상 강사
  • 연세대학교 세브란스병원 임상시험센터 연구위원
  • 서울아산병원 안과 임상자문의 및 울산대학교 의과대학 안과학교실 외래교수
  • 연세대학교 의과대학 안과학교실 외래부교수
  • ISRS International Council Member (2020-2023)
  • World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences Fellow
  • The Ophthalmologist ‘2017 The Power List 50’
  • 세계 3대 인명사전 Marquis Who's who ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ in 2019
  • SCI급 논문 60편 이상 (2023 기준)
  • 안내렌즈삽입술·스마일·라섹·백내장 수술 관련 기술(도구) 특허 보유
  • 대한안과학회 정회원
  • 한국녹내장연구회 정회원
  • ESCRS (유럽백내장굴절수술학회) 정회원
  • ASCRS (미국백내장굴절수술학회) 정회원
  • KSCRS (한국백내장굴절수술연구회) 정회원
  • KCLS (한국콘택트렌즈연구회) 정회원
  • AOGS (Asia-Oceania Glaucoma Interest Group) 정회원
  • SEAGIG (South East Asia Glaucoma Interest Group) 정회원
  • WGC (World Glaucoma Congress) 정회원
  • ARVO (Association for Research in Vision Science and Ophthalmology) 정회원
  • AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) 정회원
  • Amaris SmartPulse Technology(SPT) Principal Investigator in South-East Asia
  • Zeiss SMILE Ambassador, International Speaker
  • The Surgeon's Guide to SMILE Chapter 4, 7 공동집필
  • 대한안과학회 제 117회 학술대회 학술상(‘로우에너지 스마일 수술의 임상적, 전자현미경 및 원자력 현미경학적 고찰’ 비디오논문)
  • 2018 미국백내장굴절수술학회 SMILE 세션 ‘BEST PAPER’


  • V4c 콜라머(ICL) 렌즈삽입술의 10년 임상 결과: 시력, 내피세포 밀도, 볼트 분석
    10-Year Clinical Outcomes of V4c Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation: Longitudinal Analysis of Visual Acuity, Endothelial Cell Density, and Vault Dynamics.
    2024 Aug 12. AJO. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2024.08.007.
  • 각막확장증 판별하는 인공지능(AI) 알고리즘
    Optimized artificial intelligence for enhanced ectasia detection using Scheimpflug-based corneal tomography and biomechanical data.
    2022 Dec. AJO. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2022.12.016.
  • 프레즈비맥스 (이중구면 절제 프로파일) 라식을 결합한 노안교정수술
    Presbyopia Correction Using the PresbyMAX Monocular Bi-aspheric Ablation Profile in Myopic Eyes.
    2022 Aug. JCRS. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000001042.
  • 레이저 굴절교정수술 후 근시퇴행 재교정을 위한 ICL렌즈삽입술 3개월 후 수술 결과
    3-month surgical outcomes of Implantable Collamer Lens implantation for myopic regression after laser vision correction surgeries: a retrospective case series.
    2021 Nov. BMC Ophthalmology. doi: 10.1186/s12886-021-02163-3.
  • 레이저 시력교정술 후 각막확장증 진단하는 새로운 생체역학력 지수
    Detection of postlaser vision correction ectasia with a new combined biomechanical index.
    2021 Oct. JCRS. Volume 47. Issue 10. p 1314-1318.
  • 스마일수술시 캡(CAP)두께에 따른 수술 결과 비교
    Comparison of Clinical and Biomechanical Outcomes of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction With 120- and 140-µm Cap Thickness.
    2021 Jul. TVST. Volume 10. Issue 8.
  • 스마일(SMILE)수술 후 코웨이브라섹 이용한 재수술 임상 결과
    Customized Wavefront-Optimized Transepithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy for a Retained Lenticule Fragment After Primary SMILE.
    2020 Jun. JRS. 1;36(6):395-399.
  • 스마일 수술을 이용한 근시 교정 시 영향을 주는 원인 인자 규명
    Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Parameters on Myopic Correction in Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.
    2020 May 6. 11. JCRS. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000100.
  • 근시성 난시교정에 스마일수술 시 안구잔여난시를 감소시키는 Vector Planning
    Comparison of clinical outcomes between Vector Planning and manifest refraction planning in small incision lenticule extraction for myopic astigmatism.
    2020 May. JCRS. Volume 46. Issue 5. p 756-761. doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000123.
  • 스마일 수술을 이용한 근시 교정 시 영향을 주는 원인 인자 규명
    Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Parameters on Myopic Correction in Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.
    2019 Nov 11. JRS. ;35(11):712-720.
  • 각막 렌티큘 표면에 거칠기 감소시키는 로우에너지 스마일의 효과
    Effect of Lowering Laser Energy on the Surface Roughness of Human Corneal Lenticules in SMILE.
    2017 Sep. JRS. Volume 33. Issue 9: 617-624.
  • 라섹 엑스트라, 각막강성도 보존효과
    Effect of accelerated corneal crosslinking combined with transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy on dynamic corneal response parameters and biomechanically corrected intraocular pressure measured with a dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer in healthy myopic patients.
    2017 Jul. JCRS. Volume 43. Issue 7. p 937–945.
  • 스마일 수술 후 시력 회복 향상 이끄는 로우에너지스마일
    Lower laser energy levels lead to better visual recoveryafter small-incision lenticule extraction:Prospective randomized clinical trial.
    2017 Jul. AJO. Volume 179. pii: S0002-9394(17)30202-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2017.05.005.
  • CORVIS ST 각막강성도의 정상 범주
    Biomechanical properties of the cornea measured with a dynamic Scheimpflug analyzer in young healthy adults.
    2017 Jan. CORNEA. Volume 36. Issue 1.
  • Intravitreal bevacizumab for the treatment of optic disc edema in a patient with POEMS syndrome: a case report.
    BMC Ophthalmology.
  • Dynamic vaulting changes in V4c versus V4 posterior chamber phakic lenses under different lighting conditions.
    2017 Aug 18. Am J Ophthalmol. pii: S0002-9394(14)00501-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2014.08.020.
  • Long-term results of deep sclerectomy with small collagen implant in Korean.
    2013 Feb. Korean J Ophthalmol. ;27(1):34-8. doi: 10.3341/kjo.2013.27.1.34. Epub 2013 Jan 9.
  • Glaucoma progression detection by retinal nerve fiber layer measurement using scanning laser polarimetry: event and trend analysis.
    2012 Jun. Korean J Ophthalmol. ;26(3):174-81. doi: 10.3341/kjo.2012.26.3.174. Epub 2012 May 22.
  • Split-thickness Hinged Scleral Flap in the Management of Exposed Tubing of a Glaucoma Drainage Device.
    2011 Jun-Jul. J Glaucoma. ;20(5):319-21.
  • Comparisons of Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurements between Stratus, Cirrus, and RTVue OCTs in Healthy and Glaucomatous Eyes.
    2011 Jun. Optom Vis Sci. 88(6):751-8.
  • Residual anterior chamber angle closure in narrow-angle eyes following laser peripheral iridotomy: anterior segment optical coherence tomography quantitative study.
    2011 May. Jpn J Ophthalmol. ;55(3):213-9. Epub 2011 May 11.
  • Prevalence and characteristics of glaucoma among Korean adults.
    2011 Apr. Korean J Ophthalmol. ;25(2):110-5. Epub 2011 Mar 11.
  • Comparison Between Deviation Map Algorithm and Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Measurements Using Cirrus HD-OCT in the Detection of Localized Glaucomatous Visual Field Defects.
    2011 Mar. J Glaucoma. 21. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Comparison of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured by spectral vs. time domain optical coherence tomography.
    2011 Feb. Curr Eye Res. ;36(2):125-34. Epub 2010 Dec 15.
  • Detection of glaucoma by spectral domain-scanning laser ophthalmoscopy/optical coherence tomography (SD-SLO/OCT) and time domain optical coherence tomography.
    2011 Jan. J Glaucoma. ;20(1):15-20.
  • Relationship between visual field sensitivity and macular ganglion cell complex thickness as measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography.
    2010 Dec. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. ;51(12):6401-7. Epub 2010 Jul 14.
  • Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography and scanning laser polarimetry in glaucoma diagnosis.
    2010 Nov. Jpn J Ophthalmol. ;54(6):544-9. Epub 2010 Dec 30.
  • Effect of age on anterior chamber angle configuration in Asians determined by anterior segment optical coherence tomography; clinic-based study.
    2010 Sep. Acta Ophthalmol. ;88(6):e205-10. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-3768.2010.01960.x.
  • Comparing the ganglion cell complex and retinal nerve fibre layer measurements by Fourier domain OCT to detect glaucoma in high myopia.
    2010 Aug 30. Br J Ophthalmol. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Comparison of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measurements calculated by the optic nerve head map (NHM4) and RNFL3.45 modes of spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (RTVue-100).
    2010 Jun. Br J Ophthalmol. ;94(6):763-7.
  • Macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements by spectral domain optical coherence tomography in normal-tension glaucoma.
    2010 Mar. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. ;51(3):1446-52. Epub 2009 Oct 15.
  • Drug attitude and adherence to anti-glaucoma medication.
    2010 Mar 1. Yonsei Med J. ;51(2):261-9. Epub 2010 Feb 12.
  • Modified Siepser sliding knot technique for scleral fixation of subluxated posterior chamber intraocular lens.
    2010 Jan. JCRS. ;36(1):6-8.
  • Comparison of glaucoma diagnostic Capabilities of Cirrus HD and Stratus optical coherence tomography.
    2009 Dec. Arch Ophthalmol. ;127(12):1603-9.
  • Twenty-four hour ocular perfusion pressure fluctuation and risk of normal-tension glaucoma progression.
    2009 Nov. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. ;50(11):5266-74. Epub 2009 May 27.
  • Glaucoma diagnostic performance of humphrey matrix and standard automated perimetry.
    2009 Sep. Jpn J Ophthalmol. ;53(5):482-5. Epub 2009 Oct 22.
  • Change in ocular alignment after topical anesthetic cataract surgery.
    2009 Sep. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. ;247(9):1269-72. Epub 2009 Apr 30.
  • Detection of occludable angles with the Pentacam and the anterior segment optical coherence tomography.
    2009 Aug 31. Yonsei Med J. ;50(4):525-8. Epub 2009 Aug 19.
  • Level of vascular endothelial growth factor in aqueous humor and surgical results of ahmed glaucoma valve implantation in patients with neovascular glaucoma.
    2009 Aug. J Glaucoma. ;18(6):443-7.
  • OCT Interpretation.
    2009 Jul. Ophthalmology. ;116(7):1419, 1419.e1-2; author reply 1419-20. No abstract available.
  • Inaccuracy of intraocular lens power prediction for cataract surgery in angle-closure glaucoma.
    2009 Apr 30. Yonsei Med J. ;50(2):206-10.
  • Pharmacokinetics.
    2009 Jan. Ophthalmology. ;116(1):168-9; author reply 169-70. No abstract available.
  • Interpretation of outer retina appearance in high-resolution optical coherence tomography.
    2009 Jan. Am J Ophthalmol. ;147(1):185-6; author reply 186. No abstract available.
  • Anterior chamber measurements by pentacam and AS-OCT in eyes with normal open angles.
    2008 Dec. Korean J Ophthalmol. ;22(4):242-5.
  • Comparison of OCT and HRT findings among normal, normal tension glaucoma, and high tension glaucoma.
    2008 Dec. Korean J Ophthalmol. ;22(4):236-41.
  • Short-term outcomes of 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy.
    2008 Nov. Am J Ophthalmol. ;146(5):789-90; author reply 790-1. No abstract available.
  • Multiple ocular abnormalities associated with trisomy 4p.
    2008 Sep-Oct. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. ;39(5):412-4.
  • Latent asymmetric intraocular pressure as a predictor of visual field defects.
    2008 Sep. Arch Ophthalmol. ;126(9):1211-5.
  • Pulsatile ocular blood flow in healthy Koreans.
    2008 Mar. Korean J Ophthalmol. 2008 Mar;22(1):6-9. Free full text Related citations
  • Sustainability of orthokeratology as demonstrated by corneal topography.
    2007 Jun. Korean J Ophthalmol. ;21(2):74-8.

의료진 연구 연혁

아이리움안과 의료진 연구1
아이리움안과 의료진 연구2
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